“After The Ride: Crime and Compassion” by JR Conway is now live

“Greyhound Therapy” by JR Conway is now available for purchase

“Where Are You?” by Larry B. Bachman is now available for purchase

“A Rose from Charlie and Marie” by Dennis Frank Maček is now available for purchase

“Small Town Big City: When Time Stood Still” by Jeff A. Lopez is now available for purchase

Leta Laugle’s “Mommy, Where Do Butterflies Go?” is now available for purchase

“Crashing Streams of Change (Volume II)” by Moulton Augustus Mayers is now available for purchase

“Mommy! Mommy! Who is the Devil? And Why is He After Me?” by Michelle Ingram is now available for purchase

“Stand Up: A Children’s Guide to Improving Self-Confidence and Eliminating Bullying: From a Behavioral and Psychological Perspective” by Eloise Collins is now available for purchase

“Drakkynn” by Matthew McNeal is now available for purchase