Citi of Books proudly announces the publication of the spectacular book “Meet Precious Isobel” by Hayat Tahmaz Yavuz, M.A. This fantastic coloring and activity book is now available for purchase.
Hayat Tahmaz Yavuz. M.A. dreams of positively impacting people’s lives. After working with this book, everyone will have a professional piece of artwork and a creative story. She has prepared the templates, and by the time you complete this book, you will be its author. You will feel part of the artistic process and share a glimpse into the art journey.
“Meet Precious Isobel” is a creative activity book that kids would love to have. This book has wonderful illustrations inside that you can enjoy coloring and spending your time with as you create a story through the illustrations.
Meet Isobel! She is a stylish 7-year-old girl with puffy hair and chubby cheeks. She is beautiful inside and out. She maintains good friendships with everyone, and her maturity and thinking skills are more like an adult’s than a child’s.
Isobel is talented and enjoys art, cooking, gardening, and decorating. She likes helping others, shopping, and going on holidays. You’re sure to love Isobel; she’s kind to others, and friendship means the world to her. Isobel’s art can be enjoyed by young and old alike. It combines creative story writing and art with tremendous results!
“Meet Precious Isobel” by Hayat Tahmaz Yavuz. M.A. is now available for purchase through the link provided below:

- Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/Precious-Isobel-Hayat-Tahmaz-Yavuz/dp/B0D1J1LL7Y/ref=sr_1_1?crid=3DZFPXE68MVRR&dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.XsdF6drtrqEqhjd1TiPFDw.bOGGPwgCdH07JYELCoRWCenyuXenxMdXSxzRizD1HBM&dib_tag=se&keywords=9798893910490&qid=1713376157&s=digital-text&sprefix=9798893910490%2Cdigital-text%2C494&sr=1-1.
- Barnes & Noble: https://www.barnesandnoble.com/w/meet-precious-isobel-m-a-hayat-tahmaz-yavuz/1145395636?ean=9798893910490.
- Citi of Books: https://citiofbooks.com/book-author/hayat-tahmaz-yavuz-m-a/.
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