Book Marketing

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2024 Frankfurt International Book Fair
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What We Offer

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Citi of Books experts are committed to providing quality and professional line editing, copy editing, proofreading, interior layout formatting, book cover designing, and many more. COB has been publishing books with Amazon, Barnes & Noble, its online bookstore, and directly to readers.

bring your book to your readers


Citi Of Books provides a variety of top-notch marketing and advertising strategies as part of its marketing solutions. Reach thousands of readers through marketing experts and seasoned publicists. By utilizing the strength of both conventional media outlets and contemporary internet services, COB is at the forefront of fostering your career as an author.

Why Work With Us

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Own 100% of your publishing rights

Authors who self-publish with COB retain 100% of their book publishing rights.

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Lowest suggested retail price

This will guarantee that your book has a competitive price for resale in the market. Moreover, this will encourage more readers to buy your book.

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Earn 80% up to 100% royalties

The strengths of both COB and the author are combined to create the best marketing strategies in the business. You are the sole owner of your book and the profit you make from it.

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You may opt to have a flexible payment scheme

We put your accessibility first and provide rates that fit your budget. We provide a customized payment scheme that accommodates your specific needs. Depending on your financial situation, you can choose to pay in installments and take advantage of discounts on the packages.

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an author-centric approach

COB provides professional and insightful guidance as you go through the book publication process. Everything, from the book’s cover to the editing process to the pricing, is ultimately decided by the authors. Moreover, as part of this approach, we commit to protecting the confidentiality of the personal information of our authors.

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Network of professionals and institutions

Each piece of work produced by our authors is reviewed by competent professionals to ensure its excellence. The marketing of your book is coordinated by a large network of partners. Your target audience will be reached due to the diverse range of connections.

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