The spectacular children’s book “Jamal and the Large Mirror” (Jamal y el Espejo Grande) by Yancy Seals is now available for purchase

The thrilling “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell” by Monte Dutton is now available for purchase

Marco Santucci’s enthralling book, “Tattered Edges,” is now available for purchase

“The Truth Will Set You Free: Eleven Myths Satan Uses to Deceive Man” by Robert W. Sayre, Sr., is now available for purchase

“Meditation and Spiritual Contemplation,” a new book written by Terence McCarthy, is now available for purchase

Agbai Ina Obasi’s new book, “Nigeria: A Decade of Sycophancy, Waste, and Looting of Public Funds (1999 – 2009),” is now available for purchase

Terence McCarthy’s compelling book, “The Real Story: Cambodia and South Vietnam 1953-1970”, is now available to purchase

Terence McCarthy’s new book, “Fighting Alzheimer’s Disease: Major Steps to Maintain Cognitive Skills and Wellness,” is now available for purchase.

The inspiring book of Dr. Darrell Tolbert, “Out of the Eater Came Forth Meat!,” is now available to purchase

Holly Flame Maxey’s poetry book, “The Struggle to Find True Love,” is now available to purchase