Sakimah Coleman’s official website is now live

Benji Cole of CBS Radio interviews the author of the inspiring book “Touching the Clouds: True Stories to Strengthen Your Faith,” Fran Caffey Sandin

75th Frankfurt Book Fair: Look out for your favorite books

Logan Crawford of Spotlight TV interviews the author of the spectacular book “Caleb’s Journey,” Sidney Phelps Little

CBS Radio host Benji Cole interviews the author of the book “Understanding Human Sexuality in John Paul II’s Theology of the Body,” John Segun Odeyemi

Citi of Books goes to 75th Frankfurt Book Fair

CBS Radio Host, Benji Cole, interviewed the author of the book “A Different Kind of Hero,” Michael P. Senadenos

CBS Radio host Benji Cole interviews the author of the book “How to Procreate a Healthy Family,” Max Teran

The qualification of “Small Town Big City: When Time Stood Still” by Jeff A. Lopez as a book to Hollywood movie script is currently on the line

Logan Crawford of Spotlight TV interviews the author of the gripping book “A Silent Cry,” by Chief Hassa Kusso