Benji Cole of CBS Radio interviews the author of the book, “A Leader That Everyone Wants to Follow,” Dr. Ron Godbolt

CBS Radio host Benji Cole interviews the author of the book, “But You, Who Do You Say That I Am?: Jesus, A Friend or an acquaintance?,” Kettly Hogu

Jon F. Gleman, the author of the inspiring book “Life’s Journey: Volume 1,” was interviewed by CBS Radio host Benji Cole

Benjie Cole of CBS Radio interviews the author of the thrilling book “Pharaoh,” Harvey C. Long, Jr.

CBS Radio host Benji Cole interviews the author of the book “Humanity’s Inflection Point” by Sydney L. Herrera

CBS Radio host Benjie Cole interviews William J. Borak, the author of the book “Stranger on the Shore”

CBS Radio host Benjie Cole interviews Linda Salerno-Forand, the author of the book “You Have Time to Die and Go Broke”

CBS Radio host Benjie Cole interviews Dale Anthony Pivarunas, the author of the book “Christian Economics: The Integration of Capitalism, Socialism, and Laborism”

Benji Cole of CBS Radio interviewed the author of the book “The Book of Affinitive Life: Part Two: In Conjunction: The Book of Life,” Lee Arnold Green Sr.

CBS Radio host, Benji Cole interviews the author of the children’s book “The Sound of Animals” by Mark Mullens