“The Mass: Through Him, With Him and In Him (2nd Edition)” by John Segun Odeyemi is now available for purchase

“Facing Face” by Skyler Raye is now available for purchase

“Days Gone By: A Journey, In Search of the Spiritual Poems (Volume III)” by Paul Simpson Hickman is now available for purchase

“The Diplomite” by Diana Carr is now available for purchase

“Caught Between Heaven and Hell: How We’ve Been Tricked into False Belief” by Donald Stewart is now available for purchase

“Heart Seizures” by John Saltwick is now available for purchase

“Stone Is Not Forever” by Michael Andoscia is now available for purchase

“A Ship A Gale A Mermaid Tale” by Larry P. Buckingham is now available for purchase

“Fort Huff 1760” by Garry Huff is now available for purchase

“Life Notes by a Kentucky Woman: The Land, The Land, Always the Land (Volume 2)” by Sarah Cornett-Hagen is now available for purchase