CBS Radio Host, Benji Cole, interviewed the author of the book “The Great Deception of American Christianity Without Christ,” Don Britton

Logan Crawford of Spotlight TV interviews the author of the gripping book “Journey to the Prize” by Karl Peterson

There’s been a buzz online about a press release for the book “Real World 101: Student Guide” by Alcott Germany II

CBS Radio Host, Benji Cole, interviewed the author of the book “A Drill Instructor’s Journey,” Larry Allen Mcnair, Sr.

“Recovery Happens Through Christ: My Story of Abuse, Alcoholism, and Adultery” by Marilynne Harrison was featured in an interview with Benji Cole of CBS Radio

Benji Cole of CBS Radio interviewed the author of the book “Rocks, Roots, and Rattlesnakes: A Geologist’s Journal: 150 Days of Discovery on the Appalachian Trail,” Craig Eckert

“A White Man’s China” by George Jaeggi was featured in an interview with Benji Cole of CBS Radio

Sharla King’s official website is now live

Karl Peterson’s official website is now live

“Give and Take” by David Read was displayed at The Los Angeles Times Festival of Books at the University of Southern California