“Greg and Doc, Two Souls Surrounded by Badlands: A Memoir of Adventure, Discovery, Anguish and Triumph” by Gregory Hagenston is now available for purchase

“The World Needs Medjugorje Now More Than Ever” by Rita Silvestri is now available for purchase

“Stone Is Not Forever” by Michael Andoscia is now available for purchase

“Fort Huff 1760” by Garry Huff is now available for purchase

“Meanwhile, Back at the Ranch: The Secrets That A Rock Can Tell” by Kris McGuire is now available for purchase

 “I Did It!: From Iraq to Freedom: A True Story” by Mark Mardirossian is now available for purchase

“Cluster: A potentially fatal disease, a tantalizing romance and international terrorism converge with explosive consequences in this medical thriller” by Robert J. McCunney is now available for purchase

“Hidden Fears, Helpful Memories: Aftermath of the 1983 Bombing of the United States Embassy in Beirut” by Anne Dammarell is now available for purchase

“The Dark Side of Memory: Uruguay’s Disappeared Children and the Families that Never Stopped Searching” by Tessa Bridal is now available for purchase

“In Poetry, Prose and Song” by Mitchell Alexander Jackson is now available for purchase