Leta Laugle’s Spanish edition of “Mami, ¿adónde van las Mariposas?” is now available for purchase

“Isobel Happy Easter” by Hayat Tahmaz Yavuz. M.A. is now available for purchase

“Meet Precious Isobel” by Hayat Tahmaz Yavuz. M.A. is now available for purchase

“Chibi: All Year” by Barbara Ann Clay–Marshall is now available for purchase

Festival Fashion: Your Guide to the Perfect LA Times Festival of Books OOTD

“The Half-Life of Secrets” by Holland Childhouse is now available for purchase

“Where are they? The Nite she came.” by Queen Kattereen is now available for purchase

“Journey To the Prize” by Karl Peterson is now available for purchase

“Sum-Mit: The Pistol Murder – A Proud Farewell and a Peace Officers Creed” by JR Conway is now available for purchase

“JET & Scoot: Take Manhattan” by Stephanie Smith-Kenny is now available for purchase