“Was I Your First?: Progression of America’s First African-American General Manager for a Major Brand Hotel in USA History” by Derk R. Mattocks was displayed at the Los Angeles Times Festival of Books at the University of Southern California

“Journey to the Prize” by Karl Peterson was featured in an interview with Benji Cole of CBS Radio

CBS Radio Host, Benji Cole, interviewed the author of the book “Battling the Quits,” E. Todd Stubblefield

The Day! Citi of Books Joins the LA Times Festival of Books 2024

“Personal Reflections in Praising God” by Debra Robinson was featured in an interview with Benji Cole of CBS Radio

CBS Radio Host, Benji Cole, interviewed the author of the book “Only God Can Make A Buzzard,” Robert M. Blazak

CBS Radio Host, Benji Cole, interviewed the author of the book “Real World 101: Student Guide,” Alcott Germany II

Dive into a World of Stories at the LA Times Festival of Books with Citi of Books!

Logan Crawford of Spotlight TV interviews the author of the insightful book “Real World 101: Student Guide,” Alcott Germany II

Book to Hollywood Movie Script Coverage for George Jaeggi’s “A White Man’s China” is now on the line for Hollywood movie adaptation book qualification