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Pharaoh: The Urban Legend

Author: Harvey C. Long


Pharaoh had been stuck in Village Green for the last few years. The only option he believed he had for getting money was being a criminal. He would soon find out the background of a girl that suddenly had taken interest in him, and her pain slips into his heart and touches every fiber in his body. He falls in love with her while dealing with hardships and the dope life. Then the two cousins Richie and Draco step to him with a plan. But in the streets of Gainesville Florida somebody always knew somebody. And Rose, his momma, had been in the streets for a while. It wouldn’t be long before the news spread.


Pharaoh had been stuck in Village Green for the last few years. The only option he believed he had for getting money was being a criminal. He would soon find out the background of a girl that suddenly had taken interest in him, and her pain slips into his heart and touches every fiber in his body. He falls in love with her while dealing with hardships and the dope life. Then the two cousins Richie and Draco step to him with a plan. But in the streets of Gainesville Florida somebody always knew somebody. And Rose, his momma, had been in the streets for a while. It wouldn’t be long before the news spread.

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Ebook, Hardcover, Paperback

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