Citi of Books launched the publication of the Spanish edition of the book “Jamal and the Large Mirror” (Jamal y el Espejo Grande) by Yancy Seals. This inspirational book teaches children the importance of self-worth and strengthening yourself through your own words. The book is now available on Amazon, Barnes & Noble, and other retail sites.
Yancy Seals, the author, is a veteran and the son of a fallen veteran; he is Jamal. His goal with this book is to give kids some tools on how to navigate trauma after a loss through the power of the tongue by saying inspirational quotes, saying them, and believing them. His passion comes from writing and authoring technical manuals for the federal government. After his career, he wanted to continue to do what he loves: serve the community and help our youth.
“Jamal and the Large Mirror” (Jamal y el Espejo Grande) represents the strength of a kid who lost his father. Jamal lives in Brooklyn, New York, in one of the historic brownstones, with his mother and older brother. Their father was killed in the Iraq War in a helicopter accident. They have this large, amazing mirror that has been in the family for many years. Jamal’s father, before he died, taught Jamal how to go to the mirror and speak positive and inspirational sayings in the mirror because he believes life and death are in the power of the tongue. His father wanted to teach Jamal that he wasn’t alone and that he was standing in front of powerful Americans and a strong community. The mirror is only a symbol of the continued strength his father taught Jamal and his brother.
Here’s the Spanish description of the book:
Jamal vive en Brooklyn, New York, en una de las históricas casas de piedra rojiza, con su madre y su hermano mayor. Su padre murió en la guerra de Irak en un accidente de helicóptero. Tienen este espejo grande y sorprendente, que ha estado en la familia durante muchos años. El padre de Jamal antes de morir le enseñó a Jamal cómo ir al espejo y hablar un dicho positivo e inspirador en el espejo porque cree que la vida y la muerte están en el poder de la lengua. Su padre quería enseñarle a Jamal que no estaba solo, y que estaba parado frente a estadounidenses poderosos y una comunidad fuerte. El espejo es solo un símbolo de la fuerza continua que su padre le enseñó a Jamal y a su hermano.
Yancy Seals’ children’s book, “Jamal y el Espejo Grande,” is now available to purchase through the links provided below:

- Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/Jamal-Large-Mirror-Spanish-Yancy-ebook/dp/B0BV2RF294/ref=sr_1_1?crid=24Q8U3QQ16PG3&keywords=9781959682004&qid=1677106735&sprefix=9781959682004%2Caps%2C287&sr=8-1.
- Barnes & Noble: https://www.barnesandnoble.com/w/jamal-and-the-large-mirror-yancy-seals/1143038867?ean=9781959682004.
- Chegg: https://www.chegg.com/textbooks/jamal-and-the-large-mirror-1st-edition-9781959682004-1959682008?trackid=e4212fddbd73&strackid=3aea814d474b.
- AbeBooks: https://www.abebooks.com/servlet/BookDetailsPL?bi=31425046914&searchurl=kn%3D9781959682004%26sortby%3D17&cm_sp=snippet-_-srp1-_-title1.
- Textbookx: https://www.textbookx.com/book/9781959682004/.
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