CBS Radio Host, Benji Cole, interviewed the author of the book “Curse of the Luckpenny,” Dwayne Mosby

Meet the Minds Behind the Books: Citi of Books at the LA Times Festival of Books

“Poems, Prose, and Prayers” by Julia Frazier White PH. D. is now available for purchase

Benji Cole of CBS Radio interviews the author of the spectacular book “Witness”, A. Believer

CBS Radio Host, Benji Cole, interviewed the author of the book “I Dream,” Oliver Tyson

CBS Radio Host, Benji Cole, interviewed the author of the book “Untarnished Relationships,” Thelma E. Coleman

Benji Cole of CBS Radio interviews the author of the spectacular children’s book “Mommy, Where Do Butterflies Go?,” Leta Laugle

The New York Times Sunday Book Review (NYTSBR) Magazine features “The Special Little Star” by Tracy Marie Filigenzi

Benji Cole of CBS Radio interviews the author of the book “Unlocking the Doors of Dementia: Practical Help for Families and Their Loved Ones,” Lauren Mahakian

Harvey C. Long Jr.’s official website is now live