Citi of Books proudly presents the publication of the book “Nigeria: A Decade of Sycophancy, Waste, and Looting of Public Funds (1999–2009),” written by Agbai Ina Obasi. The thought-provoking book is now available to purchase on Amazon, Barnes & Noble, and others.
Agbai Ina Obasi obtained a BA degree in public policy administration and a Juris Doctorate [JD] in law in 1986 from Marquette University in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, USA. He is a member of the Nigerian, Wisconsin, and American Bar Associations and was commissioned as a notary public in the state of Wisconsin, USA, in 1986.
He spent over 21 years in the banking industry in Nigeria, during which period his job description cut across several departments, including legal, branch, retail, and commercial banking. He worked his way up the ranks to become a regional director and the GM/CEO of a bank subsidiary. He is blessed with a beautiful wife and three lovely children.
If the Nigerian political class would understand that you don’t need billions of Naira to live a well-rounded and meaningful life, perhaps this recklessness in looting public funds would be greatly minimized.
“Nigeria: A Decade of Sycophancy, Waste, and Looting of Public Funds (1999-2009)” attempts to review the waste and looting of public funds by our public officials during the decade ending in 2009, categorize the missed opportunities of our nation, and proffer solutions for sustainable political and economic development.
Agbai Ina Obasi’s, “Nigeria: A Decade of Sycophancy, Waste, and Looting of Public Funds (1999 – 2009),” is now available to purchase through the links provided below:
- Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/Nigeria-Decade-Sycophancy-Looting-Public-ebook/dp/B0BQZG87D4/ref=sr_1_1?crid=2DY154K6B711Y&keywords=9781959682028&qid=1675797195&s=books&sprefix=9781959682028%2Cstripbooks%2C508&sr=1-1.
- Barnes & Noble: https://www.barnesandnoble.com/w/nigeria-agbai-ina-obasi/1142877480?ean=9781959682028.
- Chegg: https://www.chegg.com/textbooks/nigeria-1st-edition-9781959682028-1959682024?trackid=0da9fb1bce0f&strackid=f532efd99bf3.
- AbeBooks: https://www.abebooks.com/servlet/SearchResults?kn=9781959682028&sts=t&cm_sp=SearchF-_-topnav-_-Results.
- TextBookx: https://www.textbookx.com/book/9781959682028/.
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1 Comment
This book is a great read it gives great insight and details of the corruption that happened and ongoing in Nigerian politics. If you are interested in Nigerian politics and economic issues or just curious about the history of Nigeria I suggest reading this book