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Jesus of Nazareth Our Liberator




Some think, “Okay, another book about Jesus Christ.”
They say, “Right on, brother,” but I have one up on that. All books should be written about Jesus Christ the Nazarene. There is no other game in town, none, Jesus is the only thing going on. The reason for this being twofold.
First, Christ’s imminent return is apparent to most.
Second, God is answering our cries and our pleas in the face of our crumbling and disintegrating world that has no hope in sight.
In the hands of God, however, we have hope for all things, for Jesus said, “With God, nothing is impossible. “The one thing most are still stumbling over, and yet still not discovering is this God/Man named Jesus Christ.
The facts have been handed down to us through eyewitnesses. At first, it was just an oral communication, but Jesus Christ inspired the Apostles and Paul, the chosen of God, for us Gentiles and inspired them to write for us undeniable testimonies of Jesus. They wrote of His beginnings and his mission to Earth in the Holy Gospels. And Paul wrote a great number of the Holy Epistles of our Bible given to Him with abundance of revelation by God. All which are good for our knowledge of Jesus Christ and his mission to Earth.
Jesus wants us to make Him known to all men. Why? Because Jesus said, “I am the Way, the Truth, and the Light.” This is central to every Word written in the Bible. Jesus’s last Words to His disciples on Ascension Sunday were, “Go and preach.” In a nutshell, that means yes, make Jesus known to mankind. Publicize it, broadcast this knowledge; every one of us is to be laboring at this command. God help those that think it is enough to sit in their easy chair and pay tithes and go to Church on Sabbath. No and no, because the knowledge of Jesus Christ the Nazarene must “cover the Earth as the waters cover the Sea.” “Go and make disciples of all Nations,” and then the end shall come.

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Ebook, Hardcover, Paperback


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