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Hungry for His Presence: The Heart and Hope of Spiritual Renewal




“They shall know that I am the Lord their God who brought them out of the land of Egypt, that I might dwell among them; I am the LORD their God” (Exodus 29:46). The promise God made long ago to His people is still relevant and attainable today. God longs to personally inhabit His chosen ones and show Himself strong among His people. Yet, today–as it often has been in the past–God’s people long more for provisions that gratify immediate needs than they do for the supernatural, abiding presence of God. In response, Christian leaders–like Moses–occasionally capitulate to the pressures of leadership; and, in doing so, sometimes offer little more than professionally-produced programs and finely tuned services that appeal to the flesh but do little to heal the wounds of spiritually broken people. In the end, pastors face growing frustration and the people increasing dissatisfaction. This doesn’t have to be! God still longs to reveal Himself in all of His glory and power to His people. He wants to be the focus of their passion and the source of their help. He longs to heal His people and satisfy their hearts’ greatest and deepest desires. Hungry For His Presence will help you experience the heart of God and discover the hope of spiritual renewal.

Rarely have I read a book that so ministered to my spirit personally as this message from heaven that you now hold in your hands. This book is a wake-up call! —Pat Schatzline, Evangelist and Author Remnant Ministries International

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Ebook, Paperback


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