Citi of Books proudly publishes “Windows to God: A Guide to Christian Faith.” This inspirational book is now available through Amazon, Barnes and Noble, and other retail sites.
Rev. Dr. Gary L. Grafwallner is an ELCA Lutheran pastor who has served five congregations in the Pacific Northwest. He has chaired the LITE Committee of Pacific Lutheran University as well as the Professional Leaders Committee of the PNW Synod. He has studied prayer with the Franciscans, the Benedictines, and the Jesuits. He teaches prayer, leads retreats, and does spiritual direction. He’s written three books. Dr. Grafwallner graduated from the University of Wisconsin, Northwestern Theological Seminary, and Luther Theological Seminary with a DMin. He’s married and lives with his wife, Gail, in Portland, OR.
This enlightening book, “Windows to God: A Guide to Christian Faith,” revolves around the story of how God has given the author a new sense of direction and purpose. This book shares the author’s personal experiences as a devoted and passionate believer of God. It illustrates how participating in a Christian community shapes what we see. It also clarifies that the Apostles Creed is one of the three historic creeds of the Christian Church from the first three centuries.
“God gives us different windows through which God lets us see signs of God’s presence and activity. We cannot see everything from one window, but we can see something.”
“There are large picture windows as well as some smaller windows. Some windows are missed because they are very ordinary or smudged. What is happening to us and within us determines what we see.”

Windows to God: A Guide to Christian Faith by Gary Grafwallner is now available for purchase through the link provided below:
- Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/Windows-God-Guide-Christian-Faith/dp/1960952730/ref=sr_1_2?crid=N96PD71M12EJ&dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.eoeIRH9XySR9ouah8wPQ5Ij_ifaSi6UN3XF6erW24V6FdAkyeCMttEpcOn85vb2UJ0QYp5vLgIrYh_C1upCCprXS6Oq3e8qXtT_D7rWcNdNhJUxRzoC0jaOELv3mdlbeHtTYkogl4VzGeo7Y2WC1__wLI7jy-2fv2JwdA3feGPYP_VWXdt8FhTuJP9TAKtnrVyjPUbB0Ix1NT7nCWUgZwumF1GxLYmagRnRJw0bpk74.YLMfuQHvDDZsXndleVMPXNfZbJ7rsdKE4ujgL-x3RrY&dib_tag=se&keywords=windows+to+god&qid=1720726654&s=books&sprefix=windows+to+go%2Cstripbooks-intl-ship%2C639&sr=1-2
- Barnes and Noble: https://www.barnesandnoble.com/w/windows-to-god-gary-l-grafwallner/1145918711?ean=9781960952738
- Citi of Books: https://citiofbooks.com/bookstore/nonfiction/windows-to-god-a-guide-to-christian-faith/