Another spectacular book by Larry B. Bachman, “Where are you Going?” was delightfully published by Citi of Books. This insightful book can now be purchased through Amazon, Barnes & Noble, and other retail sites.
Larry B. Bachman, currently residing in Texas, is passionately dedicated to his writing pursuits. His literary endeavors not only serve his creative expression but also contribute to the noble cause of ministry and service. All proceeds generated from his book are directed towards this altruistic mission.
“Where are you Going?” is a book about dreams, about promises made and broken, and a life lesson for all. The story follows Larry, a young boy who feels like an outsider and is constantly misunderstood. His friends, the Midnight Bike Marauders, get into trouble, and a neighborhood tattletale named Susie makes things worse. Larry is also facing a big baseball game against a rival team.
Throughout these challenges, Larry begins to learn more about God and the Bible. The book uses relatable situations to explore themes of peer pressure, making choices, and dealing with consequences. Larry learns valuable lessons from his parents and grandmother, and the story ultimately shows that God is always there to help.
“Where are you Going?” by Larry B. Bachman is now available for purchase via the links provided below:

- Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/Where-Are-Going-Larry-Bachman/dp/1963209281/ref=sr_1_1?crid=2LY2SX3LCBT5K&dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.erj2h3LV2ru-ftkDdN6bnQ.i91cn0pq7VUQupBUnIBYYAfBQfq8MoL2OXH05vzkvM4&dib_tag=se&keywords=9781963209280&qid=1711389577&s=digital-text&sprefix=9781963209280%2Cdigital-text%2C627&sr=1-1.
- Barnes & Noble: https://www.barnesandnoble.com/w/where-are-you-going-larry-b-bachman/1113687135?ean=9781963209280.
- Citi of Books: https://citiofbooks.com/book-author/larry-b-bachman/.
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