“Inspirational Stories That Spark Our Emotions and Touch the Heart and Soul” by Pam Fiecke is now available for purchase

Citi of Books is pleased to announce the publication of the book “Inspirational Stories That Spark Our Emotions and Touch the Heart and Soul” by Pam Fiecke. This insightful book filled with stories and the wisdom of God is now available through Amazon, Barnes & Noble, and other retail sites.

Pam Fiecke attended a parochial school system at the elementary level; that is where she accumulated my strong religious evangelization background. In school, on a day-to-day basis, she was loved, encouraged, taught about Jesus, and built up like every other student to have faith and live that faith anchored and armored by the word of God. They were taught morals, values, integrity, evangelization, and religion in a very concrete way. We lived out our teachings and became a great example to others.

After graduating high school, she took aptitude tests that confirmed her skills in writing children’s books. She also participated in a Writer’s Guild Training Session, where they learned from professional authors.

Pam has a successful background in business and continues to work as a nursing assistant or home health aide. She also volunteered extensively in their community, including coordinating and teaching Sunday school and organizing family-themed bingo events.

The author’s writing career includes a published book of inspirational stories, a column in the Herald Journal newspaper, and Momentous Writings for the Deceased. They have also written lyrics for country gospel songs.

Her book, “Inspirational Stories That Spark Our Emotions and Touch the Heart and Soul,” is a novel about a host of highly desirable inspirational stories wrapped around life’s circumstances that touch the heart and soul and give meaning to our everyday lifestyle. The novel brings curiosity, compassion, and an uplift of encouragement to anyone who reads it.

When our eyes see our hands, voice, and feet doing the work of our gifts from God, the door of our soul flies open, and love steps forth. If we conform our lives to the principles and teachings of Jesus and let his teachings guide us and live through us in our daily lives, in return, we will become a ray of beauty, bearing resemblance to Jesus himself.

“Inspirational Stories That Spark Our Emotions and Touch the Heart and Soul” by Pam Fiecke is now available for purchase through the links provided below:

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