The world’s largest bookfair, Frankfurter Buchmesse, opened its doors last October 16-20, 2024, in Frankfurt, Germany. For worldwide business and trading, it is regarded as the most significant book fair on earth. More than 4,300 exhibitors and an expected 114,000 trade visitors from 131 countries, welcoming rights professionals from a total of 355 agencies and publishers make the Frankfurt Book Fair a place of endless discoveries. On the stages we experienced exciting international voices.
As the Frankfurter Buchmesse celebrates its anniversary for another year of serving the industry, Citi of Books did not miss the chance to join the 76th Frankfurt Book Fair (Frankfurter Buchmesse) in Frankfurt, Germany. This spectacular gathering honors fascinating works and their creators.
With a series of activities prepared, one of the most anticipated this year is the chosen country to be the guest of honor, which is Italy. The country will present not just its diverse, unique qualities as an attractive place to travel but also as a country with a rich literary tradition.
Citi of Books is excited to present books written by our distinguished authors. In our assigned booth, a range of books—from fiction to nonfiction—would be on exhibit. A book included in the gallery was “Wake Up Now: Ifa – My Brother’s Keeper Kemi God Promised Never to Leave Us Alone” by Patricia Peter Takang.
Dr. Patricia Peter Takang, being born into a highly spiritual family, was in the perfect place to complete the Father’s will. However, there were many who recognized IFA-Kemi from a prophecy spoken hundreds of years before her birth.
“Wake Up Now: Ifa – My Brother’s Keeper Kemi God Promised Never to Leave Us Alone” will guide you through your worst experiences and reveal what your duties are while here on planet Earth: how to rise above the evil acts of people being used to stop you and destroy you, how to talk to your angels of light, how to distinguish between good and evil acts, when to speak and when to be silent, and when to fight. If you are an angel of light, then you are in a war with Father God at your side.
Seek and you will find, knock and the door will open, ask and it will be given to you. seeking led to my spiritual awakening, knocking led to my Father God opening many paths so I could complete my mission in this life, asking Father God for help allowed connection with my God-given angels. Ten years of intense battle against a hospital that allowed a doctor to kill unborn black babies in the womb. Stop the killing to allow warring angels to be born. Find your soul mission in this life. Know who you are. Love your brother as you love God and ask him to open the door you will walk through to complete your mission.