The world’s largest bookfair, Frankfurter Buchmesse, opened its doors last October 16-20, 2024, in Frankfurt, Germany. For worldwide business and trading, it is regarded as the most significant book fair on earth. More than 4,300 exhibitors and an expected 114,000 trade visitors from 131 countries, welcoming rights professionals from a total of 355 agencies and publishers make the Frankfurt Book Fair a place of endless discoveries. On the stages we experienced exciting international voices.
As the Frankfurter Buchmesse celebrates its anniversary for another year of serving the industry, Citi of Books did not miss the chance to join the 76th Frankfurt Book Fair (Frankfurter Buchmesse) in Frankfurt, Germany. This spectacular gathering honors fascinating works and their creators.
With a series of activities prepared, one of the most anticipated this year is the chosen country to be the guest of honor, which is Italy. The country will present not just its diverse, unique qualities as an attractive place to travel but also as a country with a rich literary tradition.
Citi of Books is excited to present books written by our distinguished authors. In our assigned booth, a range of books—from fiction to nonfiction—would be on exhibit. A book included in the gallery was “Redeemed by God-2: Time of the End, Return of Jesus, and a New World Order” by Douglas D. Reynolds.
Douglas D. Reynolds, Ph.D., is a Professor of Mechanical Engineering at the University of Nevada, Las Vegas in Las Vegas, NV. He received a preacher’s license and served as a lay pastor in rural Indiana while working on his Ph.D. degree at Purdue University in W. Lafayette, IN. Professor Reynolds has over 47 years of experience in Christian education and has been actively involved in prayer and healing ministries.
He has taught classes in the areas of basic Christian principles, gifts of the Holy Spirit, marriage, prayer, the time of the end and the return of Jesus from an Evangelical perspective. Professor Reynolds’ experiences as an engineering educator and in Christian education have given him a unique ability to write about practical aspects of our relationship with God through our faith and trust in and obedience to Jesus, and of future events associated with the seven-year tribulation, the time of the end and the return of Jesus.
“Redeemed By God – 2, Time of the End, Return of Jesus, and a New World Order” addresses the final global conflict between God and Satan that will culminate in the return of Jesus. This conflict is referred to as the seven-year tribulation. This book addresses:
– Our relationship with God and the redemption He extends to us through our faith in Jesus.- The time line and description of events that will occur during the seven-year tribulation.
– The seal, trumpet and bowl judgements God will execute on the nations of the Earth during the seven-year tribulation.
– The marriage of Jesus and the Church, the battle of Armageddon, and the return of Jesus at the end of the seven-year tribulation.
– The 1,000-year kingdom Jesus will establish after the seven-year tribulation.
– The judgements Jesus will execute at the end of His 1,000-year kingdom.
– Secret societies, non-government organizations and global events, conditions and transformations that will facilitate the establishment of a New World Order.
– Description of the New World Order that will facilitate the formation of the ten-kingdom federation described in Daniel that will be ruled by the Antichrist during the seven- year tribulation.