An inspiring book “Plot or Paranoia” was proudly published by the Citi of Books. This insightful masterpiece is now available through Amazon, Barnes and Noble, and other retail sites.
The author wished not to reveal its identity and made clear that this book is not, or never was meant to be a handbook geared towards anarchy.
Would you rather stay quiet about some things you know about the country instead of raising your voice?
“Plot or Paranoia” offers its readers a general view of politics. It presents the reality of America’s origins as far more complex than commonly presented. Behind the polished appearance of liberty and democracy are serious underlying issues that continue to haunt the country today. Such as hidden facts about the birth of the nation, the framers of the Constitution, and their hidden agenda. The author aims to address these problems, or America risks losing everything to stand for. The facade of freedom masks the reality of serious, unresolved issues, including control of the country’s wealth by a ruling elite with interests that serve only themselves.
This book reveals the extent to which America was and continues to be influenced by a hidden religious group with the objective of world dominance. Using documentation of sources hidden from the public, the book illustrates the lengths these elites went to maintain control. It challenges the general perspective of American democracy by demonstrating how power was constructed to benefit a few individuals. Through this perspective, current politics, which is still inspired by the same group, may be viewed as a continuation of the same goals—an agenda of control for the few rather than freedom for everyone.
“This book was not written as a justification for any type of revolt. The book merely illustrates the fact that things are not the way they appear and that we, as Americans, have some serious problems to be dealt with before all is truly lost.” – words from the author.

“Plot or Paranoia” is now available for purchase through the links provided below:
- Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/Plot-Paranoia/dp/B0DGJ56LH4/ref=sr_1_1?crid=3ASE3DT0L1SQ0&dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.K_KWZuDscgzLSjwQZ5HVTKMtIMBfmP1MD8CoRAIHYiWd0Aaii5UPyzN_5fBG1IGSoCLqYB9CWj5nUN135XmZYn_1S9eTz3Der6AZ8_0gsN1VLEYOAIgsJD5qCeOxxvC1uJgWM-S9zSshI3EOpfKx1g.icyLyqtLWF1o_OyQdDcyN5rY5a3pGY-4dE_JsLI_pbc&dib_tag=se&keywords=Plot+or+paranoia&qid=1726503799&s=books&sprefix=plot+or+paranoi%2Cstripbooks-intl-ship%2C402&sr=1-1
- Barnes & Noble: https://www.barnesandnoble.com/w/plot-or-paranoia/1146291137?ean=9798893911442
- Citi of Books: https://citiofbooks.com/bookstore/new-release/plot-or-paranoia/