The world’s largest bookfair, Frankfurter Buchmesse, opened its doors last October 16-20, 2024, in Frankfurt, Germany. For worldwide business and trading, it is regarded as the most significant book fair on earth. More than 4,300 exhibitors and an expected 114,000 trade visitors from 131 countries, welcoming rights professionals from a total of 355 agencies and publishers make the Frankfurt Book Fair a place of endless discoveries. On the stages we experienced exciting international voices.
As the Frankfurter Buchmesse celebrates its anniversary for another year of serving the industry, Citi of Books did not miss the chance to join the 76th Frankfurt Book Fair (Frankfurt Buchmesse) in Frankfurt, Germany. This spectacular gathering honors fascinating works and their creators.
With a series of activities prepared, one of the most anticipated this year is the chosen country to be the guest of honor, which is Italy. The country will present not just its diverse, unique qualities as an attractive place to travel but also as a country with a rich literary tradition.
Citi of Books is excited to present books written by our distinguished authors. In our assigned booth, a range of books—from fiction to nonfiction—would be on exhibit. A book included in the gallery was “Make Fitness a Priority: A Six- Week Course to Get Out of Your Own Way” by Chad Austin.
Chad Austin is the owner of Priority Fitness in Overland Park, KS, and is also the bestselling and award-winning author of the book series, “Make Fitness A Priority.” Chad is the former host of the talk radio show, “Be Fit…For Life”, and has been a featured guest on over 50 podcasts. In a world that is flooded with promises of instant gratification, short cuts, quick fixes, and easy buttons, Chad helps his clients get off the inconsistency rollercoaster so they can improve their quality of life with long term fitness success.
Is being busy a hindrance to being healthy?
In “Make Fitness a Priority: A Six-Week Course to Get Out of Your Own Way,” the author’s goal is not just to convince you that exercising and eating right is important. Chad Austin’s goal is to help the readers realize that even though you are busy, and you have obstacles, temptations, and challenges that you face regularly, you can still make fitness a priority.
The author’s objective after completing this six-week workbook is for the readers to:
- Understand how fitness best fits in the life you are living right now.
- Be able to use your WHY fuel to help you get long term success and stop starting over.
- Realize that every excuse is just an obstacle you have not overcome yet.
- Learn how to set yourself up for success at the beginning of every week and put a stop to your excuses before they show up.
- Learn how to evaluate yourself at the end of every week and become a problem solver for every challenging obstacle you face.
- Understand that failing is inevitable, but it doesn’t end your fitness journey.
- Learn that anyone, no matter what obstacles they face, can make fitness a priority in their lives, and if you choose to do it, your life will be better.
By having an intention followed with a plan, dedication and mindset, you can surely achieve these goals.