Aaron had always thought that the Amish religion was the only way for
him to get to heaven. After a rebellious youth, he had submitted to the
Amish way by becoming a baptized member and following the Amish
rules and traditions. But he wondered why he didn’t have peace in his
heart. For six long months he cried out to God for answers. Were his
sins forgiven? What was missing in his life? Was he not following the
Amish rules well enough? Was God still angry with him because of his
sinful teenage years?
God answered Aaron in a powerfully clear way; transforming his life
and sustaining him with the peace he was searching for. “What He’s
done for me” is the first in a series of testimonies titled, “God’s Touch
Among the Amish.” They represent personal journeys through tears and
pain, stories from sincere hearts that searched earnestly for answers to
questions like Aaron’s. Each of their journeys speaks of the faithfulness
of God and His love toward those who search for truth and yield their
lives fully into His hands.
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