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Single Again! Not By Choice!

Author: Lana E. Bach



“I was lying face down on the floor in the corner of my upstairs bedroom. The winter sun was shining through the window warming my body as I pointed the gun to my head. The wrenching pain in my heart was more than I could bear! It never let up for months. I had come to the conclusion that the pain would always be there.”

The experience of Lana Bach shares her pain, perseverance, growth and victory through divorce will you hope in a time of devastation.

Discover in these pages how God can miraculously touch your life even through the ugly part of unwanted divorce! God can restore joy and happiness to your life.

This book will help you understand the past, deal with the present, and prepare for the future stages of being single again.

Lana Bach and her husband, Steve, are founders of Encouragement Ministries International. They have ministered around the world to hundreds of people who need to hear a positive message of hope, healing and encouragement.

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Ebook, Paperback


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