Stanley Townsend

Stanley Townsend

I lived in Washburn Missouri and it’s a small town and growing up in the 70- 80’s. That brought me close to home and, to myself down home values where some people think of Old Fashion values now. Yet I am going to stay with this because it is whom I want to be. To all of my future readers who spend their time in reading my work in writing. I will always say to all “Thank You” for me it’s a way to show highest respect and honor. Do have a lot more stories to write and get out in time, it’s my own part of legacy to leave behind. There is one thing about legacy I know from my own private life.

“You can have the mountain of things in life, but if you can’t share or spend time with it, Then you have nothing at all.”
These words do cross over to many things like coin collecting, stamp, and other things to many in saying and I will share the meaning of this one quote, I been writing for a long time and it comes time to share my writing and do, making time to write. Then I have nothing to leave behind. Starting with this Author’s Bio.

On the end of this book, I am going to share with everyone about the next book title in a series that will come.

Books By Stanley Townsend