Fast Facts of Real World 101: Student Guide
Real World 101 is based on the same discussions I had with young adults when challenging their thoughts on life and the role education plays in it. We don’t always see the connection, but when we do the effort to educate yourself is more purposeful and intentional. A critical concept in wanting to educate ourselves lies in our confidence, our self-worth and what both mean to everyone we care about. My hope is always to bring that to the forefront when having discussions about the power of educating yourself. The desire to educate yourself needs to go beyond the value of just getting good grades. Education is all about preparing for your future in whatever you want that to be.
I started thinking about the RW 101 message when trying to answer these same questions for myself as a young adult. I honestly thought this would only be a message that I shared to people in person, but it was the young adults in the audience who asked me if I had this content written somewhere. That’s when I got the idea to write the book.
I could’ve made the read longer, but I was very serious about not making the reader feel lectured. I just wanted their thoughts to be challenged in the same way others felt when talking in person with me. When editing, I actually took content out of the book for that very reason.
I began writing while building my company Instructional Design Solutions LLC. By this time, my leadership journey was well on its way. Little did I know that there was still so much to learn about that too!
I wrote Real World 101: Student Guide while living in my cousin’s attic. Just me, a comforter, a mattress, and a laptop my dad gave me.