“The Feast of Angels” by Denis R. Tougas was proudly published by the Citi of Books. This profound book is now available on Amazon, Barnes & Noble, and other retail sites.
Denis Raymond Tougas was born in Detroit, Michigan in 1951. When Denis was five, the family moved to an old Dutch colonial farm house on the banks of the Trenton channel in Grosse Ile, Michigan to be closer to his father’s work as an engineer. Graduating from college in 1974, Denis took a job as a field technician for an Ultrasonic firm doing in-service weld inspections on nuclear reactors.
As for writing, it was during his time at GM that Denis began to write in earnest after being challenged by his best friend John, a Scottish artist whose friendship will never be forgotten. Denis’ first story was a fifty–page short story that so impressed John and his family, that they further pushed him to write an entire book. All this rekindled Denis’ love of English and started his new passion for writing. He finished four books and several others at various stages of completion. Denis enters the writing world with The Feast of Angels; his first self-published work and dedicated to his deceased friend.
Portraying the tarrying onset of the Apocalypse, “The Feast of Angels” by Denis R. Tougas is a breathtaking thriller. With a complex and chilling plot, nightmare-inducing scenes, and dynamic characters, the story is exhilarating from the first page until the last. – Susan Sewell.
“The Feast of Angels” by Denis Tougas is pertaining to humanity’s inevitable end. In a society filled with religious conflicts, mysterious events, and political manipulation, Vatican religious historian Father Giuseppe Lorenzo, reporter Florence Rinna, and former CIA operative Trey face personal challenges while uncovering an ancient heavenly battle.
The story explores the power of faith, the mysteries of the spiritual realm, and the impact of divine intervention on everyday life. Through its narrative, the book offers its readers a reflection on the nature of miracles and the profound effect they can have on individuals and communities.
The appearance of angels is one such reference; a bright light usually precedes the intervention of an angel to relay a message upon mankind.

“The Feast of Angels” by Denis R. Tougas is now available for purchase through the links provided below: