Citi of Books is thrilled to announce the publication of “The Call of the Auras” by Suna Flores. This thought-provoking novel reveals the existence and importance of living, vocal, human Consciences, a concept that you may not believe but it’s definitely worth a thought. This book is now available on Amazon, Barnes & Noble, and other retail sites.
Suna is a ‘political junkie’ with a fascination that has led her to study current political events and illustrate them with a fantasy from the past. Suna has been a teacher, a counselor, an actor and a playwright. Now, she is a storyteller with passion and a purpose.
Back in medieval times, legend says that living Consciences were installed in the hearts of humans to help them understand right from wrong. Of course, the evil of the world fought back, and the result of their fury came to be known as ‘The Auras’. These invisible creatures were the very essence of greed, jealousy, dishonesty and a lust for power.
Auras are evil thoughts, the ones that tug on your arm and keep asking you, “why not?” Flores asks us to open our eyes and look around. The world is not a good place, and temptation is everywhere. Evil has always stalked the earth causing misery to flourish, but that’s where Consciences come in…defense.
“The Call of the Auras” is the fifth book by Flores which features verbal Consciences as human companions. This novel takes place in medieval times and reflects the growing evil inside a class of wealthy noblemen. Strategic Auras quietly attach themselves to these selfish humans because they exhibit the most potential for greed, prejudice and the desire to rule. The reader will watch ‘The Call’ of the Auras take hold in ancient politics as it does in politics today. Evil builds in Medieval society. It appears to be winning. Sound familiar?
But ancient humans have goodness inside themselves to cope with Auras. That coping mechanism is called “Conscience.” Consciences, the tiny invisible voices in human hearts, work as built-in guides for good decision-making. Can these tiny voices be heard enough? It’s up to individuals whether they listen to their Consciences or not. Does this also sound familiar?
Throughout this Flores’ novel, the Consciences of River Kingdom are under siege and combat the increased potential of war which is being promoted by the Auras. Under the guise of common politics, the Auras of prejudice join Lord Drum’s power lust’ and Thorndike’s plan to conquer the world. War is inevitable. Can the Consciences of common man prevail in time for peace?
This novel displays an awareness of today’s political maneuvers and a knowledge of the inner voices of both Auras and Consciences. Readers will travel through time to the political intrigue of kings and queens that reflect our society today. They will see Auras as the evil temptations that may cause a human to make bad decisions and hear the positive voices of Consciences that every human can hear if they listen.
Auras and Consciences are both invisible to humans, but humans can hear both. Be careful who you listen to.

“The Call of the Auras” by Suna Flores is now available for purchase through the links provided below: