A movie treatment presents the idea of the film before writing the entire script. It highlights the most important information about the film that came from the book; it includes the title, logline, story summary (that may be presented as three-act movie plot summaries), and character description. Treatments also give authors the chance to condense their story concept so they can pitch it to studio heads or producers who might want to fund the movie.
“A White Man’s China” by George Jaeggi received the Book to Hollywood Movie Treatment after the successful movie script coverage that was previously written for the book. Considering the suggestions from the first level of writing a screenplay, the movie treatment shows the flow of the story that’ll be good on screen as it showcases the thrill and suspense of how the characters deal with the conflict.
George Jaeggi was born and educated in Switzerland with a basic banking apprenticeship certificate (KV). After completing the compulsory basic training in the Swiss Army, he immigrated as a 19-year-old to Canada. Due to a lack of English knowledge, he worked for the first 4 years in many basic labor jobs, including 1 year at a logging camp on Vancouver Island, until he found his first office job at a division of Magna, where he eventually advanced to be a divisional controller.
In the year 2000, George opened his consulting company, Halten Management Services, and he helped manufacturing companies with their expansion plans and established various manufacturing facilities in Canada and different parts of China. He has conducted business in most parts of Europe, North America, Mexico, China, Korea, and Japan.
“A White Man’s China” delves deep into the world of international business, focusing on John Harding, a successful entrepreneur from the West, as he ventures into the complexities of expanding his manufacturing empire into China. The premise of the story revolves around John’s ambitious pursuit of profits, juxtaposed against the intricate cultural nuances, ethical dilemmas, and personal challenges he encounters along the way.
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