Citi of Books is thrilled to announce the publication of the book “Sanidad Divina Del Alma (Spanish Edition)” by Erica Valdovinos. This book shares steps to free yourself from negative feelings and is now available for purchase through Amazon, Barnes & Noble, and other retail sites.
Erica Valdovinos was born on May 1, 1985, in Puerto Vallarta, Jalisco, Mexico. At age 18, she moved to the USA in pursuit of a better spiritual and economic future. She is the youngest of eight siblings. Now married, she and her husband have been blessed with two sons. As the wife of a pastor, she collaborates with her husband in serving the Lord Jesus Christ at a church in Bell Gardens, CA. Erica holds an associate degree in theology and advocates against violence through her involvement with ELAWC. Her life mission is to help many people overcome their fears by discovering the truth.
The book “Sanidad Divina Del Alma” guides you towards the liberation of negative feelings and invites you to experience the power of forgiveness and hope in God.
Book synopsis:
Este libro Sanidad divina del alma. Te lleva a conocer y seguir pasos para poder liberarte de
- La depresion
- La ansiedad
- La amargura
- El rencor
Por medio de la Palabra de Dios, la oracion y la fe, se puede lograr que todos esos sentimientos negativos
se conviertan en
- Perdon Amor
- Paz interior
- Libertad
- Sanidad fisica
- Y sobre todo, sanidad divina del alma
Descubre como el poder del perdon te ayuda a liberarte de la amargura, rencor, y aun de ciertas enfermedades. Erica te invita a experimentar el amor de Dios por medio del perdon. Este libro te ayuda a poder contrarestar la ansiedad y depresion por medio del poder de Dios, y experiencias de personajes biblicos que pasaron por esas circunstancias, y pudieron salir de ellas; la Palabra de Dios muestra como salieron. Tambien encontraras testimonios de personas muy allegadas a ella, que siguieron estos pasos, y lograron superarlo.
Si no le encuentras sentido a tu vida, aqui encontraras herramientas para poder encontrar tu razon de vivir. Hay esperanza en Jesus. No te rindas.
“Sanidad Divina Del Alma (Spanish Edition)” by Erica Valdovinos is now available for purchase through the links provided below:

- Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/dp/196236609X/ref=sr_1_2?crid=1NVGA7YTHC6OT&dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.fI3TXn_jaQ3cuSiPaLjQqaHHcDeH21qwOiS6YLUS7i_k21FJVV9BdAJgN4hVIVFPn7d4pVN5ncw1A0QWpSNvauPzqwC8wGbNueud7sB8KpYUE9jt0XSuYHOiSg2fBeWMUFuZQ7JYMdS1Xgb7OZwRXoH8ALUPEquxNToPcs-4uFWvbUZOlcwBx4Z0V8SwEiRLLejaaSF17d4kyy-l3AhNjxEmPQCI_dlXzegYbMrLsME.woMyWmtr7b9dP1yrIln8lCnyc31Nw6NGuTnsFoYwQns&dib_tag=se&keywords=sanidad+divina+del+alma+erica+valdovinos&qid=1716594042&s=books&sprefix=sanidad+divina+del+alma+erica+vald%2Cstripbooks-intl-ship%2C282&sr=1-2.
- Barnes & Noble: https://www.barnesandnoble.com/w/sanidad-divina-del-alma-erica-valdovinos/1145644722?ean=9781962366090.
- Citi of Books: https://citiofbooks.com/bookstore/uncategorized/sanidad-divina-del-alma/.
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