Citi of Books proudly announces the publication of the book “Let Go of the Load” by Sonja Davis. The book is great for people who have been carrying heavy burdens on their shoulders. Take a breather by purchasing the book through Amazon, Barnes & Noble, and other retail outlets.
Life is a bumpy road; it’s not always smooth and joyful. The bumps, the rocks, the holes, and the uneven structure of the path we choose challenges us to become who we are. The burdens, or loads, we carry are the stones that sharpen us. And sometimes, when it gets heavy, all we need to do is let it go.
Sonja Davis, the author, was a lifelong learner, a former co-manager for the largest supermarket chain in the US, a retired independent insurance adjuster, a member of the Kentucky State University Louisville Alumni Chapter, a former member of the Ebonaise Social and Civic Club, which sponsored the world’s largest traveling fashion show, the Ebony Fashion Fair, and a former member of the Diamond and Pearl Divas Red Hat Society.
Sonja’s willingness to read and take notes inspired her to impart knowledge to others. She feels that the Bible contains remedies for every challenging circumstance you may encounter.
In addition, Sonja has written and published two books, “Wheelchair Diva in It to Win It” and “Let Go of the Load,” to empower, encourage, entertain, and uplift spirits.
“Let Go of the Load” is a book for people who need to let go of the heavy loads they’re carrying. Free yourself. Uplift your spirit. Troubles may come, but they don’t always last. It’s like having joy and pain, sunshine and rain.
“Let Go of the Load” by Sonja P. Davis is now available for purchase via the links provided below:

Amazon: https://amzn.to/3ocSxmm.
Barnes & Noble: https://bit.ly/3pWHrCo.
Chegg: https://che.gg/3BDQ1IX.
Walmart: https://bit.ly/3IqKxoJ.
Textbookx: https://www.textbookx.com/book/9781959682493/.
Citi of Books: https://citiofbooks.com/book-author/sonja-p-davis/.
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