Citi of Books is joyful to announce the publication of the book “Las Aventuras de Sleepy, el Tope de Puerta: Sleepy Consigue una Mami y un Hogar” by Arlene Redick, the Spanish edition of “The Adventures of Sleepy the Door Stopper: Sleepy Gets a Mommy and a Home”. This children’s book is focused on Sleepy, a sloth, in its journey in finding a family. This edition of Arlene Redick’s book is now available on Amazon, Barnes & Noble, and other retail sites.
When Arlene Redick was in forties when she thought it would be nice to write a children’s book. She never pursued it though because she was married, raising her son and daughter, working, and involved in volunteer work. Things changed in 2021 when her husband passed away suddenly.
One day while shopping, Arlene purchased this doorstopper and after 2 months of looking at him on the floor in front of the door, she decided she didn’t want him there anymore. Arlene posted him on Instagram doing funny things. Shortly afterward, three of my followers messaged her and said that she should write a book. With no distractions and a lot of time on her hands, she wrote her story. Arlene was finally writing thirty years later. I hope you, your child, or grandchildren will enjoy my book. – Arlene Redick
Nothing compares to the tender loving care a mother can offer.
“Las Aventuras de Sleepy, el Tope de Puerta: Sleepy Consigue una Mami y un Hogar” by Arlene Redick is a heartwarming story of Sleepy, a sloth, in its adventure to find a home to stay. In the beginning of the story, Sleepy longs for love and a place to belong as the others are taken one by one until he is left alone.
As the story unfolds, Sleepy finds a loving home. He was used as a door stopper and kept the door open, until its owner thought Sleepy was too cute to be a door stopper. Sleepy found a mommy who cares and looks after his clumsiness.
Sleepy encounters challenges, which aim to teach a lesson about why parents react. This book strives to teach young readers about love, family, and perseverance. This also emphasizes the thought that no matter how small a thing is, it deserves appreciation.

“Las Aventuras de Sleepy, el Tope de Puerta: Sleepy Consigue una Mami y un Hogar” by Arlene Redick is now available for purchase through the links provided below:
- Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/Adventures-Sleepy-Door-Stopper-Spanish/dp/B0DHFTKC3K/ref=sr_1_1?crid=1T6MA5QLVO7CG&dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.YsP6-DDKZZkGuUpd6cWrdA.aik-2cOLAElhpCfbs_9r-vlm-W6xgA6JfAeInx5pKkw&dib_tag=se&keywords=9798893913415&qid=1726850379&s=digital-text&sprefix=9798893913415%2Cdigital-text%2C428&sr=1-1
- Barnes & Noble: https://www.barnesandnoble.com/s/The%20Adventures%20of%20Sleepy%20the%20Door%20Stopper%20(Spanish%20Edition)
- Citi of Books: https://citiofbooks.com/bookstore/new-release/the-adventures-of-sleepy-the-door-stopper-sleepy-gets-a-mommy-and-a-home-spanish-edition/