Citi of Books is delighted to announce the publication of the book “A Deeper Fear of Repentance” by Perry Douglas Sisk. This thought-provoking novel is now available on Amazon, Barnes & Noble, and other retail sites.
The author, Perry Douglas Sisk, a 28-year survivor of HIV, lives in Texas and has dedicated his retirement to fishing, home improvement projects, and writing songs and poems. He wishes to dedicate this book to his older sister, Alice, who is turning 70 this year. The author believes that everyone has an innate potential for compassion, and through his poetry, he aims to convey this quality to those who may not be fully aware of it.
Perry’s literary works aim to bring peace of mind and awareness to those navigating the stresses of our fast-paced existence, providing hope for a better tomorrow. The author’s ultimate goal is to leave behind a brief legacy that inspires others to connect with their humanity and the compassion within them.
You cannot repent of something if you keep bringing the past into the present.
“A Deeper Fear of Repentance” by Perry Douglas Sisk is a book of poetry that explores the complexities surrounding the act of repentance from both a theological and psychological perspective. The book delves into the individual struggles faced when confronting their sins and the fear that often accompanies genuine repentance.
“…those many wrongs with lesser rights substituting.” – a line from the book
The author wants the reader to know how fear, guilt, and pride can prevent people from fully embracing repentance, central to Christian faith and spiritual growth. He emphasizes the need for deeper self-awareness and surrender to overcome these barriers, ultimately guiding readers toward a more profound and authentic relationship with God. Give yourself another chance to change because He always welcomes us with open hands, waiting for us to repent our sins.

“A Deeper Fear of Repentance” by Perry Douglas Sisk is now available for purchase through the links provided below:
- Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/Deeper-Fear-Repentance-Perry-Sisk/dp/B0DGC5SLFX/ref=sr_1_1?crid=X149R0VWEO7C&dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.JJv72up2b7Bwy8j0cSN5vDDrXntQY_Y8f2yrqoEBBlG2jrRPyYtiOiBKKpQyXpyFGozPIzivofIqv3_PDwkjbGaNfSSSHKWwXpSPtJabpD2HW4y7r2Eqklqfb33pmfJK.wP6w_LvWCiVqgSyTIU5so1f1rJAgLMX1pixUY9gK6h8&dib_tag=se&keywords=%5CA+Deeper+Fear+of+Repentance&qid=1726175138&s=books&sprefix=a+deeper+fear+of+repentance%2Cstripbooks-intl-ship%2C268&sr=1-1
- Barnes & Noble: https://www.barnesandnoble.com/w/a-deeper-fear-of-repentance-perry-d-sisk/1146263805?ean=9798893912289
- Citi of Books: https://citiofbooks.com/bookstore/motivational-inspirational/a-deeper-fear-of-repentance/