Book reviews provide a summary of the book’s content, evaluate its value, and recommend it to other readers. It increases the chances of gaining readers as well as increasing the visibility of the book. The more the book has a positive review, the more it gathers attention. The US Review of Books is one of the US-based contemporary book review publications run by professional reviewers and editors. They analyze every qualifying book that is released without regard for the work’s author or publisher.
The US Review of Books (USRB) reviewed Dale Anthony Pivarunas’ book, “Christian Economics: The Integration of Capitalism, Socialism, and Laborism,” which was praised by Jennifer Hummer after it was evaluated. She emphasizes, “In this heartfelt and compassionate book, Pivarunas methodically breaks down the underlying evidence of just how broken the political system is.”
The author, Dale Anthony Pivarunas, has four degrees: a bachelor’s degree in mathematics, a bachelor’s degree in theology, a master’s degree in business administration, and a master’s degree in operations research. He has experienced four layoffs in his career, with accompanying periods of unemployment. He has worked two jobs at a time to provide for and support his family. Mr. Dale spent the last ten years studying, reflecting, and researching the topics covered in his book.
How is the Christian mandate to love your neighbor as yourself to be applied in business, economics, and politics? In what way does God want people to act within their jobs, their businesses, and their business transactions: treat tenants, other businesses, subordinates, and their employees; market their products and services and set prices; monitor the quality and safety of their products and services; and so on?
“Christian Economics: The Integration of Capitalism, Socialism, and Laborism” promotes justice, fairness, balance, cooperation, and mutual respect within business, economics, and politics and is based on three principles: good is to be done and promoted and evil is to be avoided; love your neighbor as yourself; and treat each human being with absolute dignity. Every business strategy, every business policy, and every business transaction need to be based on these three principles.

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