“Wordsmithery – Humor for Wordies: Twisted Phrases, Humorous Quotes and Head-Scratching Wordplay” by Monty Kuka was delightfully published by Citi of Books. This humorous book is now available for purchase at Amazon, Barnes & Noble, and other retail outlets.
Monty Kuka, Ph.D. (great name for a psychologist), is a retired person with a ‘punchant’ for wordplay. His family can attest to his unique sense of humor, or at least a lot of quips and dad jokes. After a career as a psychotherapist, he settled into retirement by planning to write three books. “Wordsmithery- Humor for Wordies” will be followed by two more serious efforts: “Prisms- Thoughtful Reflections” (original quotes, poetry, and very short stories) and a book of wisdom about how people work, “The Insight Story: All about You.”
Kuka has lived in Montana—the last-best place—nearly all of his life. He lives with his wife, Colette the Chiropractor, in a home that overlooks the Missouri River and has a view of the mountains. Bea, the Border Collie mix, rules the roost with an iron paw. They share the joy of three married children and nine delightful grandchildren.
“Wordsmithery – Humor for Wordies: Twisted Phrases, Humorous Quotes and Head-Scratching Wordplay” is a comical book whose humor provides relief from distress and eases anxiety and depression. Creating this book was also welcome for self-therapy in the years of the pandemic, and we hope that providing this humor will be infectious in a good way and entertainment worth sharing.
“Wordsmithery – Humor for Wordies: Twisted Phrases, Humorous Quotes and Head-Scratching Wordplay” by Monty Kuka is now available for purchase through the links provided below:

- Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/Wordsmithery-Wordies-Humorous-Head-Scratching-Wordplay/dp/1959682997/ref=sr_1_3?qid=1706729413&refinements=p_27%3AMonty+Kuka&s=books&sr=1-3&text=Monty+Kuka.
- Barnes & Noble: https://www.barnesandnoble.com/w/wordsmithery-humor-for-wordies-monty-kuka/1144750488?ean=9781959682998.
- Citi of Books: https://citiofbooks.com/book-author/monty-kuka/.
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