The 75th Frankfurter Buchmesse, the largest trade show for books, was held every year in Frankfurt, Germany. For worldwide business and trading, it is regarded as the most significant book fair on earth.
The Frankfurt Book Fair celebrated its 75th anniversary, celebrating literary and cultural diversity. With a series of activities prepared, one of the most anticipated this year is the chosen country to be the guest of honor, which is Slovenia. The country will present not just its diverse, unique qualities as an attractive place to travel but also as a country with a rich literary tradition.
This year, Citi of Books joined the largest book fair in the world. We were excited to present books written by our distinguished authors. From fiction to nonfiction, a variety of books would be displayed in our designated booth. “Making Your Own Reality: A Survival Story” by James P. Meade, Jr., Ph.D., was one of the books that was part of the exhibit.
“Making Your Own Reality: A Survival Story” by James P. Meade, Jr., Ph.D., is a collection of the experiences that guided James Meade, Jr., from being an animal-like survivor of a massive brain injury to a Ph.D. in Psychology and an internationally known speaker who has shared with audiences around the United States and the world.
Dr. Meade has helped brain-injured individuals and their families all across the world, and during that time, she has seen people do feats that other medical professionals had previously deemed impossible.
God comforts us, so we must comfort others in response to the comfort we receive from God. Always have faith in God to fix everything. Trust yourself that you can conquer any battle that God has given you. For everything that happens in our lives, there is a reason, and we only need to trust God and ourselves that we can do it.
There will always be unexpected happenings in our lives wherein we think that our lives are over, but with God’s grace, we will be able to regain our strength. It is faith that keeps us moving. It doesn’t mean that you are disabled or not capable of doing amazing things. There will always be a way to get what we want.
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